How to treat diabetic skin ulcer
Diabetic skin ulcers, injury, and bacterial infections disease There are various types of bacterial skin infections, from light to severe and can be a life treathening as well. Especially, diabetic patients who suffer a foot or leg injury, it takes a long time to heal. Sometimes they won’t heal at all; the wound just gets bigger and deeper. An infection makes it worse and can cause amputation or death.
Why diabetic patients’ wounds don’t heal properly. In a diabetic patient any skin bacterial infection or injury should be treated carefully. Due to the poor blood circulation, the blood cells are unable to absorb most of the nutrients that is vital to healing process. In addition, weaker immune syatems and nerve damage makes it even harder to heal. Therefore any skin infections on a diabetic patient takes very long time to heal or will never heal.
What is an Ulcer? An ulcer- is basically an open wound, whether it is internal in the stomach or on the skin as in a pressure sore. In many cases external ulcers are severe enough to go to the bone, even causing osteomyelitis (infection of the bone). Diabetic ulcers are commonly found on the toes or on pressure points of the foot – the ball, heel, and side of the foot. Tight fitting shoes can make a person particularly vulnerable. However, ulcers can occur anywhere on the body that gets cut or injured then fails to heal properly.
Ulcers – can also be caused by bacterial infection, especially impetigo, cellulitis, ecthyma (an inflammatory skin disease characterized by large flat pustules that ulcerate and become crusted). In rare cases they can even be caused by tuberculosis or leprosy. Skin cancer can also be a precipitating factor in skin ulcers. Suspicious areas should be diagnosed with a skin biopsy. Other less common causes of ulcers, include systemic diseases such as systemic sclerosis, vasculitis and various skin conditions especially pyoderma gangrenosum. Ulcers may be acute, meaning they show signs of healing in less then 4 weeks, or chronic, those that persist for longer than 4 weeks.
Neurogenic ulcers – also known as diabetic ulcers, have similar characteristics to arterial ulcers but are more notably located over pressure points such as heels, tips of toes, between toes or anywhere the bones may protrude and rub against bed sheets, socks or the shoes of persons with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
To protect itself from pressure, skin will naturally build up a callus; however, in diabetics, a minor injury can cause an ulcer to form instead of (or in addition to) a callous.
Although most commonly occurring on the bottom of the feet, diabetic ulcers can occur anywhere on the body.
Diabetic patients who have diabetic ulcers are more likely to suffer from the loss of sensation in a their extremities because of nerve damage and arterial blockage. Peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabeties must be considered at risk of foot ulceration – the precursor of gangrene and limb loss.
Gangrene is a medical term used to describe the death of an area of the body. It develops when the blood supply is cut off to the affected part as a result of various processes, such as infection, vascular (pertaining to blood vessels) disease, or trauma. Gangrene can involve any part of the body; the most common sites include the toes, fingers, feet, and hands.
Charcot foot is a sudden softening of the foot’s bones caused by severe neuropathy or nerve damage, a common diabetic foot complication.
It can trigger various types of problems, including joint loss, fractures, collapse of the arch, massive deformity, ulcers, amputation, and even death.
As the disorder progresses, the bottom of the foot can become convex, bulging like the hull of a ship. Since most people with Charcot cannot feel pain in their lower extremities, they continue walking on the foot, causing further injury.
Ulcers are more likely to come back for those who have the histoty of ulceration. It’s important to learn the tips of prevention and decrease pressure on your feet. Try non-weight bearing exercise (swimming, rowing, cycling) and massage – foot reflexology (use ozonated hemp oil).
As try Ozonated hemp oil body massage, practice healthy diet, use cushioned shoes (your insurance may cover these) and possibly change to a job that does not require lengths of time on your feet.