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How To Optimize CBD Oil Effects: 3 Keys To Success

Once You Experience The Benefits, You'll Never Look Back

Because of the incredible therapeutic CBD oil effects, awareness of this plant compound is exploding worldwide. To put things in perspective, analysts predict the industry will be as lucrative as the National Football League.

Cannabidiol also known as CBD is one of the fastest growing market categories in the U.S., with hemp and legal marijuana industries experiencing a compound annual growth rate of 59 percent. According to The Hemp Business Journal, the market will grow to a $2.1 billion market in consumer sales by 2020, with $450 million of those sales coming from hemp-based sources.

What is CBD and the Endocannabinoid System?

CBD is a naturally-occurring chemical compound found in the hemp plant; there are more than 80 different phytocannabinoids in cannabis, but THC and CBD are the best understood and most studied. However, unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and is technically not a controlled substance, adding to its allure. CBD offers a host of health and therapeutic benefits without the high or the hassle of obtaining a medical marijuana card or asking for a prescription. And because it is a legal nutritive, its use is not restricted to those states that don’t allow access to THC.

Hemp plants typically contain elevated levels of health-enhancing CBD, but by definition contain only trace levels of THC. This is a natural condition of hemp. Some CBD products use concentrated whole plant extracts, while others use isolated CBD, which contains no other phyto-compounds from the hemp plant.

CBD “acts on the endocannabinoid system (ECS) within our own body and is a vital ‘cellular-signaling system’ that is involved in modulating pain, appetite, mood, memory, and cellular life and death cycles,” outlines Medical Marijuana Inc.

“The endocannabinoid system is an essential regulator of bodily function in its many facets,” writes Ethan Russo, M.D., medical director of PHYTECS. “There is hardly any physiological process that is not affected by it to some degree.”

For instance, the ECS also regulates endocrine function and fertility.

Overall, the ECS is a relatively new discovered regulatory physiological system, which holds great promise for improvements in human quality of life.

“The science on this is in its infancy,” explains Elizabeth Moriarty, Clinical Herbalist & formulator at HERBOLOGIE and formulator of Superior. “We are just beginning to understand the way endocannabinoid receptors function, and new research shows us that there’s a complex chemical choreography involving the ECS that has a profound impact on health, and yes, happiness.”

Botanicals: Plant Medicine For The Ages

Throughout human history, most medicines have been derived from plants. They seem to be safer and better suited to address disease, says Russo, especially “in contrast to the ‘silver bullet’ single chemical model that is most prevalent in contemporary Western medicine.”

“The synergistic effect of the group, or entourage, of plant constituents is always greater than the sum of its parts,” concludes Moriarty.

CBD is considered an “adaptogen,” meaning it is a non-specific remedy “that increase resistance to a broad spectrum of harmful factors (stressors) of different physical, chemical, and biological natures.” Basically, CBD interfaces with your body. How amazing is that? It’s plant intelligence at its finest.

“The plant meets you where you are at physiologically and this can bring on full defense or offense from the body, mind, spirit connection, depending on what’s up,” says Cherie Arnold, Founder and CEO of MediQI Energetics.

Think about it, if your ECS is deficient or out of whack, then it’s normal for you to feel disturbances while things level off and you reach homeostasis.

Arnold agrees.

“It’s often simply a healing crisis that is taking you to a different plateau, sometimes triggering pre-existing underlying ‘issues in our tissues’ that are up for healing or ready to be treated and resolved.”

With that said, CBD is well tolerated and presents no side effects, even in high therapeutic doses, adds Garyn Angel, the Creator of MagicalButter and founder of Cheers to Goodness and Culinary Cannabis Expert. “This fact astonishes scientists and is completely unique for a molecule with such a broad range of current and potential medical applications.”

If started on a regime, here are some effects to look out for.
  1. Reshaping of your body’s structure – this often shows up as weight loss, more energy, radiant looking skin (glow from within) and other physical effects.

  2. Sense of Stability – this often shows up as more agility and movement, and feeling stronger with more endurance. Less drama, more clarity.

  3. Health Repair – the ability to bounce back with better recovery after illness, allergies, toxin exposures, injuries, or chronic conditions.

  4. Mood Elevation – a greater sense of happiness and well-being with fewer “ups and downs.”

  5. Recurrence of chronic unresolved conditions. A healing crisis can occur, which means you can a bit worse but will eventually feel a whole lot better. This is a great time to look at the pattern that may be repeating.

  6. Better sustained performance along with greater mental clarity, focus, and a sense of awareness with increased sustained energy for whatever you are doing.

  7. Ongoing Sense of Calm, Mindfulness and Happiness – usually after six months of cumulative benefit.

  8. Greater Energy and noticeable reduction of symptoms, illnesses, and stressors allowing for a better sense of well-being.

  9. Resistance – If you stay with the program you may notice some minor temporary setbacks. Your body is adjusting because your conditions are being treated with proper nutrition, sometimes for the first time ever if you’ve never before optimized your diet.

3 Factors That Impact CBD oil Effects and Results

CBD oil can do wonders for the body but it must be used according to these 3 factors to achieve optimal results and get the best cbd oil effects you can.

“While CBD is non-toxic and non-psychoactive, different people feel different things when they start taking a high-end product,” says Angel. “For instance, some may feel more tired as the body returns to homeostasis or equilibrium. Others may report feeling energized.”

This make perfect sense when you look within the principles of metabolomic medicine, where there exists the recognition that every individual’s biochemistry and metabolism is unique.

In addition to your own personal biochemistry, there are other variables to consider impacting CBD oil effects on an individual.

1. Dosing

While customary dosage is usually outlined, one should take into account other factors such as age, body weight, nutritional deficiencies, and current complaints. For instance, someone dealing with a pre-existing condition like an autoimmune disorder may require more of a dose than someone who’s on a maintenance plan.

Proper dosage is obviously key and the best place to start is with current body weight. Twenty-five mgs per day per 100 pounds of body weight is a good place to start, says Arnold. She suggests you build the dosage, depending upon how much body fat you have (lower dose) versus lean muscle (can take higher dose).

Keep in mind that like most potent actives, adds Moriarty, cannabinoids have biphasic properties.

According to, “A biphasic drug is one that has differing effects on the body at different blood concentration levels. One of the most well-known biphasic drugs is alcohol, which acts as a stimulant until blood alcohol levels reach 0.05 percent. After this point, continued consumption of alcohol causes sedation and depression.”

Also, when researching appropriate dosages for various conditions, it’s important to remember that most studies are done using products that are degraded by hepatic first-pass-effect, and result in 1/10 the systemic blood concentration. So, the commonly suggested 25 mg daily dose using orally-delivered oil would be excessive when using much more effective delivery systems.

“Typically only 5-15 percent of the CBD enters systemic circulation via oral delivery,” explains Moriarty. “Sublingual application is the superior means of delivering CBD.”

Users often report an improved sense of relaxation and a reduction in anxiety, pain, and inflammation when starting a CBD plan, remarks Angel. “Symptom relief varies among individuals and conditions; it can be dramatic and rapid, or more subtle and gradual.”

With that said, some may find that it makes them alert (clear minded with no jitters) while others may want to just lie down for a bit. When I take MediQi capsules, for instance, I’ve come to realize that I need to take them one hour before going to bed because they make me sleepy. They also help me sleep deeper throughout the night. Our Superior formula however elicits a feeling of alertness.

Experiment with timing, maybe first trying it out in the middle of the day depending on what you’ve got going on.

Angel adds this: “Carefully monitor your body for a response to the CBD dose. If you feel noticeably more energized within 60-90 minutes after ingestion, take your CBD in the morning. If instead you feel very relaxed, tired, or sedated, then it makes sense to take it at night before retiring. If you feel neither energized nor tired, it’s probably safe to take at any time of your choosing.

“Studies indicate that these low levels support alertness and wakefulness — a sense of energy — which is also improved with the reduction of anxiety that accompanies the use of CBD. At higher levels of blood concentration, cannabidiol has first a gentle, calming effect, and if the concentration increases, a notably relaxed, sedative effect.”

“Regarding the botanicals in Superior: none are sedative or stimulant, purposefully. Our formula is designed to be valuable to anyone who might seek use of cannabinoid-rich extract and is not specific to any one particular condition, but functions to serve a range of needs,” explains Moriarty.

Once you found your sweet spot, be consistent with dosing for optimal results.

2. Receptors

Cannabinoid receptors, located throughout the body, are part of the ECS. There are currently two known subtypes of cannabinoid receptors, termed CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptor is expressed mainly in the brain (central nervous system or “CNS”), but also in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. The CB2 receptor is expressed mainly in the immune system and in hematopoietic cells. “Less studied, but extremely important, it is a key immunomodulatory mediator with additional activity on pain and inflammation,” writes Russo.

Receptors, he adds, “may be thought of as locks, to which a corresponding chemical (natural or synthetic) will fit like a key.”

Pathways however can eventually slow down or even stop altogether therefore compromising the holistic function of receptors in your own body. This in turn can affect how well you receive the medicine. CBD can slowly help heal those receptors.

According to Arnold’s early research, people who have experience using cannabis often have more open receptor sites (this doesn’t mean that they do not have nutritional deficiencies that need to be addressed), so they may not “feel” effects, which calls for a need to increase dosage to build cumulative benefit. Meanwhile, people who have never used cannabis before can often feel euphoric upon the first try of CBD even though there is only 0.3 percent of THC or less.

Discover The Healing Power Of The Miracle Molecule

3. Lifestyle

CBD works best in conjunction with a healthy organic real food non-processed diet. If you are taking CBD to combat inflammation but eat gluten or fried chicken, you’re compromising the medicine’s potency.

If you are incorporating CBD into your life, Arnold speaks about reaching for “The Prime Effect™” your own individual stability and balance point where you feel your best – mainly asymptomatic to stress, inflammation, chronic syndromes, and overall a sense of well-being combined with an awareness that “life feels pretty easy and good right now.”

This effect will add up over time with CBD but works best when taken consistently along with good nutrition habits your body needs from real foods rich in phytonutrients, essential fats, and fiber, says Arnold.

Optimize CBD Oil Effects

By keeping these factors in mind when beginning a CBD oil regime you’ll optimize how CBD oil affects your body. Every person is different and dosing and use should reflect that. Also, no supplement will out-weight an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. CBD oil can only enhance other good choices you’re making, so make them really good.

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